Two young people stand beside a  car trunk full of period products that they collected and are donating to those in need.

Power to The Period

Collect unopened packages of period products and donate them to a local homeless shelter.

Volunteer credit:
Estimated time to complete:
1 - 3 hours


In one major city, as many as ⅔ of low-income people who menstruate struggle to afford period products like tampons and pads – some of the most needed items in homeless shelters. Worse yet, 44% of teens report stress and embarrassment due to a lack of access to period products.


Collect unopened packages of period products and donate them to local homeless shelters.

You'll earn volunteer credit hours along the way!

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Volunteer Credit FAQs

Volunteer Credit FAQs

Volunteer Credit FAQs

Volunteer Credit FAQs

Volunteer Credit FAQs

Volunteer Credit FAQs