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11 Facts About Oil

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  1. Oil is measured in barrels, which is equal to 42 US gallons or 159 liters.^[American Oil & Gas Historical Society. “History of the 42-Gallon Oil Barrel.” Web Accessed April 25, 2015.]
  2. The US has the 10th largest oil reserve in the world. Venezuela has the largest, with 298.35 billion barrels compared to the US’ 33 billion barrels.^[Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. “Annual Statistical Bulletin.” 2014. Web Accessed April 25, 2015.]
  3. The US consumes more oil than any other country -- 1.85 billion barrels per day.^[U.S. Energy Information Administration. “Countries.” U.S. Department of Energy. Web Accessed April 25, 2015.]
  4. Gasoline makes up 45% of crude oil.^[U.S. Energy Information Administration. “Petroleum & Other Liquids: Refinery Yield.” U.S. Department of Energy. Web Accessed April 25, 2015.]
  5. Petrochemicals (found in oil) helped produce the electronic device you are reading on right now.^[AAAS. “Technology and Oil.” Web Accessed April 25, 2015.]
  6. Oil is used to create medicine, recreational sports items, and cosmetics.^[World Petroleum Council Guide. “Petrochemicals and Refining." Web Accessed April 25, 2015.]
  7. Oil is also referred to as “Texas Tea” and “Black Gold.”^[National Geographic Education. “Petroleum.” Web Accessed April 25, 2015.]
  8. The process of oil drilling begins with a drill cutting through the earth, allowing air to be pumped downwards, and once the oil is hit, it rushes to the surface and can shoot dozens of meters out of the ground.^[National Geographic Education. “Petroleum.” Web Accessed April 25, 2015.]
  9. In the past 25 years, there have been more than two dozen oil spills in the US.^[Neuhauser, Alan. “Oil Spills Aplenty Since Exxon Valdez.” U.S. News & World Report LP, 2014. Web Accessed April 25, 2015.]
  10. Oil and gas have played an important role throughout world history. Ancient cultures used crude oil as a substance for binding materials and as a sealant for waterproofing various surfaces.^[Business & Economic Research Advisor. “History of the Oil and Gas Industry.” 2013. Web Accessed April 25, 2015.]
  11. As of January 2014, the 27 petroleum refineries in Texas had a capacity of over 5.1 million barrels of crude oil per day and accounted for 29% of total U.S. refining capacity.^[U.S. Energy Information Administration. “Texas: Profile Overview.” U.S. Department of Energy, 2014. Web Accessed April 25, 2015.]

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