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5 Red Flags That Show You May Be “The Distracted Driver”

DoSomething’s list of the different types of distracted driving and ways to prevent it

A collage of young drivers distracted behind the wheel, and a yellow car

Whether it’s to stay connected with friends, scroll our feeds, or text an angry paragraph to that date that stood you up, we are pretty much always on our phones. That’s all well and good when you're NOT behind the wheel of a car. Don’t be that friend! If you are unsure what distracted driving actually looks like and check out our red flags.


Take the #OfflineMode pledge today and commit to safer driving, gain access to exclusive resources, and a chance to win a $1,500 scholarship!

5 Types of Distracted Driving

5 Ways to Prevent Distracted Driving

Remember, you are operating a vehicle that requires the utmost attention and focus, especially when it comes to road signs and safety measures. You can have fun while driving, but also let’s keep it safe out there. Commit to making your car a no-phone zone by taking the Offline Mode pledge, and encourage your friends to do the same.


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