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11 Facts About Physical Disability

Welcome to DoSomething.org, a global movement of millions of young people making positive change, online and off! The 11 facts you want are below, and the sources for the facts are at the very bottom of the page. After you learn something, Do Something! Find out how to take action here.

  1. Physical disability is defined as when a person’s physical functioning, mobility, dexterity, or stamina is limited.^[National Disability Coordination Officer Program. “Physical Disability.” 2012. Web Accessed November 10, 2014.]
  2. People with physical disability make up the largest minority group of the US.^[Disability Funders Network. “Disability Stats and Facts.” 2012. Web Accessed November 10, 2014.]
  3. In the US, about 74.6 million people have some type of physical disability.^[John Hopkins Medicine. “Statistics of Disability.” 2013. Web Accessed November 10, 2014.]
  4. Students with disabilities have lower rates of participation in afterschool activities, leading to decreased socialization and leadership development. Start an inclusive kickball team and get EVERYONE on the field! Sign up for Kickball for All.^[Smith, Kara. "The Need for Skilled Inclusion in Out-of-School Time Programs." Kit Online. Web. Accessed January 30, 2014. https://www.kitonline.org/html/about/documents/WhitePaper-TheNeedForSkilledInclusioninOut-of-SchoolTimePrograms.pdf; U.S. Dept. of Education. “We Must Provide Equal Opportunity in Sports to Students with Disabilities." Web. Accessed February 03, 2014. https://www.ed.gov/blog/2013/01/we-must-provide-equal-opportunity-in-sports-to-students-with-disabilities/]
  5. Of today’s 20 year-olds, just over 1 in 4 will become disabled before they retire.^[Council For Disability Awareness. “Disability statistics.” July 3, 2013. Web Accessed November 10, 2014.]
  6. 17.6% of people with a disability were employed in the US in 2013.^[Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Persons With A Disability: Labor Force Characteristics - 2013.” U.S. Department of Labor, June 11, 2014. Web Accessed November 10, 2014.]
  7. 41% of people with arthritis are forced to limit their physical activity, making it the leading cause of disability in the US.^[Illinois Department of Public Health. “Arthritis and Disability.” 2007. Web Accessed November 10, 2014.]
  8. 27 million women have disabilities in the US.^[Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Women with Disabilities.” March 31, 2014. Web Accessed November 10, 2014.]
  9. Both African-Americans and American Indian/Alaska Natives have the highest rate of disability among racial minorities, with 24.3% for each group.^[Disability Funders Network. “Disability Stats and Facts.” 2012. Web Accessed November 10, 2014.]
  10. In the US, 25.6% of people with a disability are physically inactive during the week, compared to 12.8% of those without a disability.^[President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition. “Physical Activity.” 2014. Web Accessed November 10, 2014.]
  11. Assistive technology is vital to more than a third of people with disabilities being able to take care of themselves at home.^[Disability Funders Network. “Disability Stats and Facts.” 2012. Web Accessed November 10, 2014.]

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