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11 Facts About Tanning

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  1. In 2010, the indoor tanning industry’s revenue was estimated to be $2.6 billion.^[Indoor tanning." American Academy of Dermatology.]
  2. Out of the 28 million people who tan indoors, 2.3 million are teens.^[Indoor tanning." American Academy of Dermatology. http://www.aad.org/media-resources/stats-and-facts/prevention-and-care/indoor-tanning (accessed July 30, 2014).]
  3. 70% of people who go to tanning salons are white females between 16 to 29 years old. Host a beach-themed party to deter your friends from using tanning booths and beds! Sign up for Fun in the (Real) Sun.^[Indoor tanning." American Academy of Dermatology. http://www.aad.org/media-resources/stats-and-facts/prevention-and-care/indoor-tanning (accessed July 30, 2014).]
  4. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun and artificial sources from tanning beds are known to be cancer-causing.^["Indoor Tanning: The Risks of Ultraviolet Rays." FDA. http://www.fda.gov/forconsumers/consumerupdates/ucm186687.htm (accessed August 1, 2014).]
  5. Although the amount of radiation produced during indoor tanning is similar to that of the sun, it may be stronger in some cases.^["Dangers of Indoor Tanning." American Academy of Dermatology. http://www.aad.org/media-resources/stats-and-facts/prevention-and-care/indoor-tanning (accessed July 30, 2014).]
  6. Melanoma rates have increased in the last three decades. About 76,100 US adults will be diagnosed with this type of cancer in 2014. About 9,710 are expected to die from the disease.^["Skin Cancer Foundation." Skin Cancer Facts. http://www.skincancer.org/skin-cancer-information/skin-cancer-facts (accessed August 1, 2014).]
  7. The risk of melanoma is 75% higher for people who start tanning indoors before age 35.^["Skin Cancer Foundation." Skin Cancer Facts. http://www.skincancer.org/skin-cancer-information/skin-cancer-facts (accessed August 1, 2014).]
  8. Indoor tanning can lead to skin aging, immune suppression, and eye damage.^[Indoor tanning." American Academy of Dermatology. http://www.aad.org/media-resources/stats-and-facts/prevention-and-care/indoor-tanning (accessed July 30, 2014).]
  9. Only 1/3 of people use sunscreen while tanning.^[Unit, Radha. "One-Third of Americans Don't Use Sunscreen." ABC News. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/SkinCare/story?id=7637104 (accessed August 1, 2014).]
  10. 58% of adolescent tanning bed users have burns due to constant exposure.^[Indoor tanning." American Academy of Dermatology. http://www.aad.org/media-resources/stats-and-facts/prevention-and-care/indoor-tanning (accessed July 30, 2014).]
  11. 41 states restrict indoor tanning for minors.^["Indoor Tanning Restrictions for Minors - A State-by-State Comparison." State Tanning Laws and Indoor Tanning Restrictions. http://www.ncsl.org/research/health/indoor-tanning-restrictions.aspx (accessed July 30, 2014).]

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