11 Things Stressing Students Out About Remote Learning
And what the DoSomething community is doing to support their fellow students.
When the coronavirus pandemic started this spring, it forced massive shutdowns across the country, and school districts were no exception. An estimated 55.1 million students were impacted by their schools closing, and for a lot of them, that meant adapting nearly overnight to remote learning.
Remote learning comes with its challenges (many of which disproportionately impact low-income students and districts). Through DoSomething’s New State of Mind campaign, powered by Blue Shield California, we asked our members:
Digital learning is in full effect. What is an issue that seems to stress out a lot of students in your school at this time?
They shared their thoughts and observations about this unprecedented moment in the country’s education system. Here’s what they had to say.
1) Olga, 16, California
“The most prominent issue I've witnessed students face would be anxiousness over SAT cancelations. In order to cope, we have to realize that this will not limit our abilities. Instead of viewing this as a setback, we should embrace the difficulties of this challenge head-on. It is with the darkness that new life is created. As we are now exposed to our blind spots, we will learn to navigate them and come out on the other side as knowledgeable as ever through embracing the trials and tribulations.”
2) Kimberly, 17, North Carolina
“Motivation is a huge factor in doing work. Due to COVID-19, the sudden move to digital learning has lowered many students' mental capacity to get their work done on time -- or at all. I suggest that students make doing work a fun job! Maybe make a check-list, or reward yourself after a certain amount of work is completed. COVID-19 has put a lot of students in a funk, including myself. It is our responsibility to know our bodies and find out how to make us feel better! :)”
3) Billy, 17, Oklahoma
“I personally feel ‘time’ in general is an issue that seems to stress out students. Time is such a stressful thing because we have no control over it. We only have control of what we do in it. In school we are given so much work but aren’t taught the time management to deal with it. Time is especially stressful at this time. I am a senior this year, with that being said there are so many questions being asked about the future and the only answer is, “Only time will tell”. Time is stressful.”
4) Rhode, 24, Florida
“Currently, everyone I know is worried about the financial distress they are facing. Not a lot of us are confident in receiving financial aid. We're also worried about taking online college courses. I would be lying if I said I was confident in passing my courses next semester. These issues both take a toll on our mental health. I feel guilty when I'm too emotionally shot from everything going on to do work. I constantly have to talk myself out of giving up. We're really struggling right now.”
5) Morgan, 19, New York
“Notifications. I've noticed from highschool to college everyone is drained from getting 100+ notifications within a few hours of their morning. We're trying to adapt to new connections with our devices that are not a choice for us anymore. Instead of being exuberant by hearing our phone chime, "Yay! Sydney probably texted me," it fills us with dread as we know it's more likely to be another email from our teachers. I've never seen more kids want to lock their phones away for days.”
6) Ki’Lah, 15, Florida
“An issue that seems to stress out a lot of students in my school at this time is the amount of online work given. Every student's work load is different. However, teachers can give loads of work that students struggle to finish. Many seniors have worried that they might not pass but because of the tremendous amount of work they have been given. My advice to them and anyone struggling with the same issue is to create a schedule. Don’t load yourself with long hours of work; take breaks.”
7) Eren, California
“I believe so many people are stressed about actually making the learning stick. It is hard to teach yourself a whole subject when you have no idea how to go about it. Teachers are barely available because they’re struggling with the transition, especially since technology is complicated for them. The best way to stay stress free from all this is to set a schedule! Do not fall into the comfort of your own home until school work is done. Reward your hard work once it is completed. Have a treat!”
8) Angelia, 18, South Carolina
“Right now, a lot of us are being huge procrastinators. It's really hard to get motivated right now, but it is still doable! Something that has helped me is keeping a healthy (and relaxed!) routine. I made myself a gentle schedule that allows for forgetfulness and mistakes. My schedule encourages me to do things like eat three nutritious meals, drink water, and do something active like yoga or dog-walking. Doing simple things can really work wonders to revitalize you and your brain!”
9) Sofia, 20, New Jersey
“Students have a luxury of being able to live two lives. Their student lives and their social lives. I think that both are very essential to the mental wellbeing of students and who they are during this age. Now that digital learning has been put in place, it takes away the whole social part of their lives. We are very much social creatures and being able to talk to people in person and bounce ideas off of each other and reading physical traits is what we do to connect to each other.”
10) Isa, 20
“Many of us rely on our friends, teachers and teammates to talk about our problems and just get our mind off of things, not being able to see them has been affecting many of us. This is the issue that has been affecting many students at my school. It’s been causing them lack of motivation, stress breakouts, dropping grades, missing online classes and lastly mental health issues like anxiety and suicidal thoughts . It is very important to look out and lift each other up during these hard times!”
11) Michelle, 18, Texas
“During this time, definitely I feel that people are stressing out with time management and procrastination. Going online allows for more leeway/customization with your own schedule. However that also leads to more procrastination, thus getting stuff done much later. Another issue is trying to make ends meet in real life. Whether it be trying to juggle a job at the same time or dealing with unemployment while at the same time stressing about school.”
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