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What Inspires Caitlin Kinnunen?

And what's her guilty pleasure? Get to know the star of "The Prom" musical.

Getty Images: Michael Loccisano / Staff

"Just Be Cause” is our interview series where celebs and influencers answer alternating questions about social change (“cause”) and about who they are as a person (“just because”).

In her first leading role, Caitlin Kinnunen is making history as half of Broadway’s first lesbian leading couple. The Prom centers around high school sweethearts Emma (Kinnunen) and Alyssa (Isabelle McCalla), whose relationship causes their school to shut down their prom. Based on the real-life stories of LGBTQ+ teenagers across the country who were banned from high-school dances, the new musical comedy shines a light on some of the very real injustices that young people face during prom season.

Get to know Caitlin Kinnunen and find out more about how you can help make this the most inclusive year of prom yet!

1. What cause or organization are you most passionate about? Anything supporting women’s rights, equality, mental health, and diabetes research!

2. What song is guaranteed to make you dance? “Hotel Song” by Regina Spektor.

3. What moment or experience made you want to change the world? As a type-one diabetic I’ve been dealing with America’s healthcare system on a day to day basis for the last 19 years. It infuriates me and I KNOW we can do better. Fighting for my fundamental needs for so long has brought out a passion in me for always standing up and using my voice to make a difference.

4. Last show or movie binge? The Mummy series. Because we all can use more Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz in our lives.

5. Who or what gives you hope for the future? The next generation of young adults. They’re speaking up and challenging the way we all think. The world will be a better place because of their courage.

6. Guilty pleasure? Face masks. Any variety.

7. What’s your best self-care hack? Also face masks. They have magical powers.

8. What are three things you’d do on a perfect day? Take a walk in the sunshine, get my nails done, pet a cat.

9. Who is your role model? My mother. She’s truly the hardest working woman I know and has given me so much strength because of it.

10. What’s your secret talent? I’m an animal whisperer.

11. What issue or cause should more people be talking about? Mental health. Mental health. Mental health.

12. What fictional character are you most like? Tina Belcher.

13. What young person or group of young people inspires you most? Any and all LGBTQIA youth standing up themselves and others. And any and all who are still figuring themselves out.

14. Favorite meme? Anything Marie Kondo.

15. What is something you watch/read to feel inspired/empowered? Any poetry. And lately @thirdeyethoughts on Instagram.

16. Who or what is guaranteed to make your laugh? Goofy animals.

17. What’s the biggest change you’d like to see in the world in the next five years? The first female president.

18. Most overused emoji? 💃

19. What advice would you give young people who want to make a difference? Do not be afraid to speak up!!! Your voice is important. Keep learning, keep standing up for what you believe in, have courage.

20. In three words, how are you feeling right now? Content. Bright. Hopeful.


Join DoSomething.org in a movement to create the most inclusive proms nationwide.


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