11 Brilliant Cards Young People Made to Fight Cancer

Over 14 million Americans get infected with the HPV (human papillomavirus) every year, but vaccination can keep you HPV-free and help prevent SIX kinds of cancers. Thing is, it can feel preeetty weird to have The Talk with your parent or guardian (about vaccination).
But no worries! We’ve got you. Join 8,364 DoSomething members who have signed up to normalize the conversation about HPV vaccination with their parents. It’s easy. Just sign up for The Talk, print one of our cards (or make your own!), include the keyword we’ll provide, and give it to your parent to spark the conversation about HPV vaccination.
Looking for inspiration? Check out 11 brilliant, hilarious, and impactful cards DoSomething members have made already!
1. Edgar (20)

2. Tamiah (17)

3. Monica (20)

Make a card telling your parents you want to stay HPV- and cancer-free. (You could even win a $3,000 scholarship!)
4. Lealani (19)

5. Nicholas (17)

6. Carolina

7. Fernan (17)

8. Emma (18)

9. Angela (17)

10. Dillon (17)

11. Cass (19)

DoSomething.org is the largest not-for-profit exclusively for young people and social change. Our digital platform is activating 6 million young people (and counting!) to create offline impact in every US area code and in 131 countries.
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