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Green Your Getaway!

8 ways to travel sustainably this summer.

It's time to Green Your Getaway

Sustainable travel is all about tourism that minimizes the harm and works to improve the natural and cultural environments of where you visit. About 87% of people say they want to travel sustainably, but only about half actually do. This summer, that changes...thanks to you!

Headed to camp, the beach, the lake, a theme park, a road trip, or just kicking back on a staycation? Whatever summer has in store, join thousands of young people helping others pack, buy, use, and dress sustainably this summer. Use this guide to Green Your Getaway with DoSomething.org.

1. Pack lightly.

First, it makes traveling easier (no throwing out your back moving a GIANT suitcase), more convenient (no check-in lines at the airport), and most cost effective (anything to avoid a checked bag fee, right?). But, if you must check your bag, still keep it light! The heavier an aircraft, the more fuel it consumes, and the more carbon emissions are released into the atmosphere. In fact, if all passengers packed one less pair of shoes, the aircraft’s fuel savings would be the same as taking 10,500 cars off the road for an entire year!

2. Wear natural fibers.

Synthetic fibers, like polyester, use crude oil, the same stuff used to fuel cars. That’s why cotton and other natural fibers — which are grown from the earth — are your best bet. Plus, they’re soft, lightweight, keep you cool, and are easy to clean. Cotton in particular is very breathable, therefore it doesn’t retain odors, and needs less washing (think about your jeans, for example), so you’re saving money, water, and helping your clothes last longer. Another thing: when you wash your clothes, microplastics in synthetic materials, like polyester, don’t break down and can pollute waterways. Meanwhile, microfibers from cotton break down in about a month and are way more friendly to rivers, lakes, and oceans.

3. Check the labels and ingredients.

Wondering whether your clothes are cotton/natural vs. polyester/synthetic? Check the label to make sure. Bringing soaps, shampoos, or detergents? Avoid ones that list using plastic, aerosol, or sulfates. Also, check sunscreen labels if you’re headed to the beach -- make sure yours doesn’t use oxybenzone, which damages coral reefs.

4. Bring reusable bags.

Groceries, clothes, towels, laundry, whatever: chances are you’ll be transporting stuff around on your trip. Pack reusable bags like a few canvas totes so you don’t end up using a million plastic bags.

5. Reduce your water use.

Bring a refillable water bottle wherever you go! But make sure the tap water is safe to drink. If not, there are self-purifying water bottles. Another way to be smart about your water use is if you’re staying in a hotel, hang your towels or otherwise indicate that you don’t need them changed daily.

6. Travel locally and by land when you can.

If you are going a short distance, like a best friend’s house or your local beach, try to walk or bike! Public transportation is also a great option. Did you know that by traveling by train, bus, or as a group in a car, you’ll produce up to 50% fewer greenhouse gas emissions?

7. Support the real local economy.

Locally made crafts and souvenirs are not always cheaper, but purchasing them ensure your contribution to the economy will have a positive impact. Plus, one of the best parts of traveling to a new and exciting place is trying new food! Be sure to hit up local street and farmers markets and try all the locally-sourced seasonal foods.

8. Respect natural and cultural sites.

Wherever you go, you want to be respectful to people and the different cultures you may encounter. Get to know the people living there, and learn some key words if they speak a different language. Another great way to immerse yourself in the culture is to volunteer (which you already do as a DoSomething member, so keep up the good work)!


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