Your August Horoscopes Are Here!
Find the perfect social action for your sign.

The stars can reveal a lot about your personality, love life, and future. But did you know they can also guide you towards amazing, impactful social change campaigns that are exactly right for you? Whether you’re a passionate Aries or a gentle Pisces, there’s the perfect action for everyone. Read on for your August volunteer horoscopes!
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
There’s no denying it, Aries. You’re at your best when you’re heading up a team or project. But keep in mind that leadership is not one-size-fits-all. Don’t fall into the idea that there’s only one way to get things done. Embrace your own leadership style, whether that’s loud and enthusiastic or quiet and observant.
Lead the charge and get a team together to pick up litter and create cleaner and greener places to practice and play.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
You may have noticed that you’ve got a bit of a reputation for your stubbornness, Taurus. But that doesn’t always have to be a bad thing. In fact, sometimes being steadfast in your beliefs works in your favor -- just be sure you’re committing yourself to the right things.
Stand your ground (literally) by posting up outside of your supermarket to collect items for local food banks and pantries.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
You’re pretty quick to assume the role of class clown in any situation, Gemini. That’s fine so long as you’re enjoying yourself, but sometimes being the resident goofball can be a thankless job. Avoid the urge to constantly be “on,” and check in with yourself frequently to make sure you’re meeting your own needs first.
Combat stress while keeping it lighthearted by challenging your friends to a staring contest using a photo of your fav celeb.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Believe it or not, Cancer, your empathetic (and at times sensitive) nature is your biggest asset. It’s more than okay to remain soft in a world that seems to try to make you hard. Show everyone what you already know -- that there’s a huge amount of strength to be found in vulnerability and compassion.
Share your feelings publicly on your sleeve to help decrease the stigma around mental health problems and counseling.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
It’s finally that time of year, Leo. This is your season, and your expectations may be exceptionally high for yourself to have a good time and be as fiery and fun as ever. It can be a little overwhelming living up to those Leo expectations, so feel free to take a step back where you need to.
Consider asking your friends to donate to animal shelters for your birthday.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
You might be selling yourself short, Virgo. Those boundaries you create for yourself may feel comfortable, but even the most reasonable limits can become constricting with time. Expect great things from yourself, and give yourself permission to unapologetically take up space.
Nowhere should feel off limits -- reclaim spaces where you’ve experienced harassment with empowering street art.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Consider this an intervention, Libra. It’s wonderful just how much room there is in your heart for your friends, but sometimes you can steer dangerously close to depending on others for your happiness. Challenge yourself to be take time to be alone -- it might not be quite as scary as you think!
Here’s a solo mission for you: flag ivory items on Craigslist to stop ivory poaching.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Rest assured that, as much as it may feel like it at times, the world isn’t out to get you, Scorpio -- quite the opposite, actually! There are plenty of people in your life who love and support you wholeheartedly, so give them the chance to. Make an effort to drop your guard a bit and be more open this month.
Just as others look out for you, help those targeted by cyberbullying by reporting harmful content online.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
It’s not a crime to be smart, Sagittarius, but knowledge will do you little good if you can’t properly express it to others. The real tricky part is figuring out when you should speak up and when it’s better to sit out. This month, practice mindfulness with your words, and seize opportunities to be both a listener and a teacher.
Lend your voice to a cause worth speaking out about, and demand equal payment for athletes of all genders.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Newsflash, Capricorn: you’re allowed to grow and change as a person. Practically speaking, you’re more grounded than most, but be careful not to conflate responsibility with rigidity. Your path may not be heading in the direction you previously imagined, but that’s okay! Let yourself explore new interests and desires.
As we grow, we learn. Give others the advice you would have wished for your younger self by hosting a senior-freshman social when school starts.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
When’s the last time you did something for yourself, Aquarius? You’re known for your creativity and artistic vision, but it can be hard to find outlets for that in day-to-day life. It’s easy to fall into a routine where you exploit your imagination for business purposes -- just remember to take on projects that are purely yours every so often.
Channel your creative energy into something good for you AND the environment by painting recycling bins to encourage recycling.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
We really do applaud your self-sacrificing nature, Pisces. With any luck, you’ll surround yourself with people who return the favor. Here’s a quick reminder that forgiveness is admirable, but enabling people to treat you poorly is not. This month, make sure to stay close to the people who value you, and keep your distance from those who don’t.
Friends should help each other improve. Encourage your friends to adopt a good habit by challenging them to reduce waste with a reusable water bottle.
Make a difference in your community and add your vision to the future of our democracy