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Trans Rights Are Human Rights

The Trump Administration's New Sex and Gender Memo, And What You Can Do About It


  • On October 21, The New York Times reported that “the Department of Health and Human Services is spearheading an effort to establish a legal definition of sex under Title IX, the federal civil rights law that bans gender discrimination in education programs that receive government financial assistance.”
  • The memo obtained by the Times stated the department would synonymize "sex" and "gender," and define only two legally recognized designations: male or female. These would be unchangeable from birth. Any dispute about one’s sex would have to be clarified using genetic testing. (Learn more about the difference between sex and gender)
  • Health and Human Services is preparing to present this definition to the Justice Department. If the Justice Department approves, the new definition can be applied across government agencies.


Our government is positioning itself to isolate the 1.4 million Americans who identify as transgender or gender non-conforming (GNC) and end legal protections previously guaranteed under civil rights law. This means that everything from the way that healthcare is administered to the bathrooms that transgender and GNC use in schools could be at risk.


After the memo was made public, activists took to the streets and Twitter to say that #TransRightsAreHumanRights and that transgender/GNC people #WontBeErased. Protests over the past couple days have happened in front of the White House as well in various other cities across America.

On behalf of our membership and our staff, DoSomething stands as an unwavering ally to the LGBTQ+ community and will continue to give young people around the world ways to stand up for equality, inclusion, and justice.


Whenever things like this happen, it’s important to ensure that you’re taking care of yourself. Here are three ways to be kind to yourself in our political climate from our friends at Shine.

  1. Pledge to vote. Our legislators have the power to make real change happen for equality. Show up to the polls on November 6 and elect lawmakers with the same priorities as you.
  2. Uplift the transgender and GNC community. Fill out our form here to share messages of support -- your quote could be featured on our homepage or on social media and be seen by thousands of people who feel isolated during this time.
  3. Learn more about how to be a better ally to the LGBTQ+ community by reading our Ally Guide. Also, if you’d like to learn more about the LGBTQ+ community (What’s the difference between sex and gender? What does "trans" mean?), read up over at the Human Rights Campaign.
  4. As the Trump administration, including the Education department, weighs more proposals, stay tuned for updates on how to impact these discriminatory policies.

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