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Meet the 28-Year-Old Fighting Cystic Fibrosis With Hope

Travis Flores was given five years to live. That was over 20 years ago.

When he was just four months old, Travis Flores was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, a lifelong chronic illness that harms the respiratory and digestive systems. Though doctors predicted he would only have five years to live, Travis faced adversity with strength. Now, at 28, he’s battled two double-lung transplant operations and other complications, yet still made philanthropy and advocacy a priority. Travis seizes every opportunity to raise awareness for cystic fibrosis, speaking at schools and corporations nationwide.

A classically-trained actor, Travis is an active member of the entertainment community, encouraging the industry to take strides in fair and truthful representation of characters facing disability or chronic illness. His story is featured in the upcoming season of My Last Days, a CW series documenting the everyday challenges of living with chronic illness.

Learn more about Travis and his experience in our interview below, then find out how you can support research to find a cure.

What do you want more people to know about what it’s like to live with cystic fibrosis?

Living with cystic fibrosis isn’t romantic. It's very difficult to manage normalcy, and love itself is something that many people with CF struggle with because finding someone who understands and accepts everything that comes with this disease takes time -- and time isn’t a friend in this case. But, what CF also does is amplify love when it is found. This illness gives a perspective on life and death that allows for things to be appreciated deeper.

How did your experience inspire you to become an activist?

When I became involved with Make-A-Wish, I was only twelve years old. There was something about granting wishes for children who were battling illness like I was that inspired me to want to get involved. From that moment on, I made it a mission to help their organization in whatever capacity I could. Fifteen years later, and I still find myself in awe with their work. Make-A-Wish motivated me to take action with other charitable visions as well, including DoSomething.

How can young people help advocate for cystic fibrosis awareness?

When you’re running around, enjoying the summer, be grateful for the ability to do that. Sometimes the smallest joys in life, such as walking on a beach, roaming around an amusement park, or even showering, are things that people with cystic fibrosis are not able to do. Cherish those moments. And when you go back to school, rally your friends to bring awareness to CF. You can even set up small fundraisers for CF-related organizations amongst your fellow peers. No call to action is too small to help a very large mission; cure cystic fibrosis.

You’re featured in the series My Last Days, which documents stories of real people living with chronic illness. Why is this representation so meaningful?

People with illness don’t get the proper representation that is needed in media. So often, actors who are healthy / able-bodied are given the opportunity to play characters with conditions / disability. My Last Days breaks those walls by giving the platform to people who truly understand what it’s like to live with a debilitating disease.

What do you hope people take away from watching this series?

I hope people watch this series with an open mind. There are things discussed that aren’t easy to understand for everyone. Death and dying... the show addresses that. But, it’s really a program about life and living. When you are facing something that is life-threatening, the most important things rise to the surface. Watch for those in each episode, and you’ll discover so much about love, compassion, adventure, and life!

Tell us about some of the creative and/or philanthropic work you’re doing now.

Right now, I’m working on a memoir. I think the stories I have to share are meaningful and could help other people understand life a little more clearly. My charitable arm has been extended because I came out as gay on the CW. It was a big moment in my life that has opened up so many doors to new philanthropic missions that I cannot wait to get involved with. I’ve admired ItGetsBetter, the Trevor Project, and the Human Rights Campaign, for so long - I’m just so happy to find new ways to get involved!

Anything else you’d like to add?

Be yourself. Whether you are healthy, or you have a condition, just be YOU. I know it’s easier said than done, but we are united by the fact that we all want to be happy. Life is too short to wake up and go to bed without a smile! Embrace your uniqueness, laugh at yourself sometimes, and have fun!


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