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Watch: “Why I’m Voting” With 18-Year-Old Black Lives Matter Activist Nupol Kiazolu

“There is a new generation of politics coming through and I’m going to be a part of that.”

Nupol Kiazolu is the President of the Youth Coalition for Black Lives Matter of Greater New York, founder and CEO of Vote 2000, and proof that there’s no age limit on activism. The 18-year-old Brooklyn native has been a leading voice among the younger generation, taking strong stances on the issues that severely impact her community.

This November, she’s exercising her voice in one of the most powerful ways a young person can -- by voting in the midterm election. Find out why voting matters to Nupol, and pledge to join her at the polls.

The Youth Wave is Coming

Will you be part of it on November 6?

DoSomething.org is the largest not-for-profit exclusively for young people and social change. Our digital platform is activating 6 million young people (and counting!) to create offline impact in every US area code and in 131 countries.


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