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11 Facts About Sexual Assault

Welcome to DoSomething.org, a global movement of millions of young people making positive change, online and off! The 11 facts you want are below, and the sources for the facts are at the very bottom of the page. After you learn something, Do Something! Find out how to take action here.

  1. 1 in 5 women (20%) will be sexually assaulted while at college while only 4% of college men will be sexually assaulted. You can make a difference: take photos to share resources with sexual assault survivors. Sign up for Support for Survivors.^[" White House Council Sexual Assault Report ." International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators, Inc.. http://iaclea.org/visitors/about/documents/WhiteHouseCouncil_sexual_assault_report_1-21-14.pdf (accessed July 17, 2014).]
  2. Most college victims are assaulted by someone they know.^[" White House Council Sexual Assault Report ." International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators, Inc.. http://iaclea.org/visitors/about/documents/WhiteHouseCouncil_sexual_assault_report_1-21-14.pdf (accessed July 17, 2014).]
  3. 42% of college women who are raped tell no one about the assault.^["Ending Campus Sexual Assault Tool Kit." AAUW: Empowering Women Since 1881. http://www.aauw.org/what-we-do/legal-resources/know-your-rights-on-campus/campus-sexual-assault/#stats (accessed July 17, 2014).]
  4. It is estimated that only 5% of sexual assaults on college campuses are reported, making sexual assault the most underreported crime.^["Campus Sexual Assault: Suggested Policies and Procedures." AAUP. http://www.aaup.org/report/campus-sexual-assault-suggested-policies-and-procedures (accessed July 15, 2014).]
  5. Rape results in about 32,000 pregnancies each year.^["Sexual Violence." Center for Disease Control. http://www.cdc.gov/ViolencePrevention/pdf/SV-DataSheet-a.pdf (accessed July 17, 2014).]
  6. 4 out of 5 rape victims subsequently suffer from chronic physical or psychological conditions.^["The Campus Sexual Assault Study." National Criminal Justice Reference Service. https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/221153.pdf (accessed July 17, 2014).]
  7. 40% of rape survivors develop sexually transmitted diseases as a result of sexual assault.^["Ending Campus Sexual Assault Tool Kit." AAUW: Empowering Women Since 1881. http://www.aauw.org/what-we-do/legal-resources/know-your-rights-on-campus/campus-sexual-assault/#stats (accessed July 17, 2014).]
  8. Campus perpetrators are often serial offenders.^["White House Council Sexual Assault Report ." International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators, Inc.. http://iaclea.org/visitors/about/documents/WhiteHouseCouncil_sexual_assault_report_1-21-14.pdf (accessed July 17, 2014).]
  9. Over a third of women who are raped as minors are also also raped as adults.^[" White House Council Sexual Assault Report ." International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators, Inc.. http://iaclea.org/visitors/about/documents/WhiteHouseCouncil_sexual_assault_report_1-21-14.pdf (accessed July 17, 2014).]
  10. 42% of raped women expect to be raped again.^["Ending Campus Sexual Assault Tool Kit." AAUW: Empowering Women Since 1881. http://www.aauw.org/what-we-do/legal-resources/know-your-rights-on-campus/campus-sexual-assault/#stats (accessed July 17, 2014).]
  11. Rape survivors are 13 times more likely to attempt suicide than are people who have not been victims of a crime.^["Ending Campus Sexual Assault Tool Kit." AAUW: Empowering Women Since 1881. http://www.aauw.org/what-we-do/legal-resources/know-your-rights-on-campus/campus-sexual-assault/#stats (accessed July 17, 2014).]

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