Take the Offline Mode pledge today, and commit to making behind-the-wheel a no phone zone.

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11 DoSomething Members Committed to Safer Driving

Gen Z is taking the wheel when it comes to road safety

DoSomething members who took the safe driving no-phone pledge for Offline Mode

Our members are taking road safety seriously, because it is. Did you know texting or scrolling while driving slows your reaction time by 37%? Plus, 29% of crashes are linked to distracted driving, and phones are a major reason why.

New drivers are stepping up. They’re taking the time to better understand road safety measures and educate their friends, so that phones take a backseat behind the wheel. Take a look at our members who took the Offline Mode pledge to bring safer driving to their communities.

1) Andres P. 17

“Road safety is important to me as I've had family members who have gotten in car accidents involving people not paying attention to the road due to their phone. My mom and baby brother have gotten into a car accident due to a driver's negligence to their surroundings.

2) Camila T. 17

“Staying offline while driving is important to me because keeping others safe has always been a big concern of mine. One of my friends was in a serious car accident caused by phone usage while driving. It was a miracle that she walked away unscathed, but her car was totaled.

3) Arman D. 16

“Driving is a serious responsibility where all attention should be directed to the road, and being offline helps me stay in focus, making better judgments while at the wheel. Personally, I look at it from the side of responsibility and safety.

4) Makenna S. 17

“Many people will go on their phone while driving, because they say they are a good driver. For me it's different. Every time I get in the car I think of how I have to take care of my siblings, or all of the times my cousins got in trouble and I needed to pick them up.

5) Kroslyn F. 18

“Staying offline while driving is vital for my safety and the well-being of others, especially children. Distracted driving, particularly phone use, is a leading cause of accidents, with 3,522 deaths in 2021 alone, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. I don’t want to cause harm or experience the trauma of a crash, as PTSD can have lasting emotional effects.

6) Adrianna A. 18

“As a driver myself I find that staying offline while driving is incredibly important as in doing so you prevent the risk of a possible wreck that can damage both you and others.

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When You Commit to Safe Driving

Join #OfflineMode and when you take the pledge to not use your phone while driving, encourage your friends to do the same!

7) Daniel E. 18

"Staying offline while driving is crucial to me because I've personally experienced the dangers of phone addiction on the road. I was in a serious car accident caused by my own distraction with my phone, and it almost cost me my life.

8) Greta S. 17

“Not only is the driver affected by distracted driving but all other drivers in the road are impacted as well as everyone in the car with the driver. Distracted driving can have a ripple effect on everything it surrounds. A car accident will change the lives of anyone involved.

9) Orion C. 15

“Staying offline is very important to me because I want the confidence and ability to stay safe while driving, especially as a new driver. Phones are a major distraction, and it is effortless for someone to access their phone while driving, which hinders their ability to drive safely.

10) Thomas S. 20

“I believe that staying offline is extremely important for the safety of not just yourself, but for those around you. I personally have known people who have been injured and passed away because of texting and driving and would like to do my part in preventing more tragedies that could be so easily prevented. This scholarship is a wonderful initiative to raise awareness, and I am happy to participate.”

11) Faye T. 19

“Staying offline while driving is important to me especially because I care a lot about my friends and I want to know what they're up to, especially when they text me, but I know it's way more important to get home safe and be able to text them once I'm off the road than to respond quickly.”


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