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6 Playlists for Every Mood on the Road

Because having the right music is essential.

Everybody knows the best part of a car ride is the music. It doesn’t matter if you’re driving across the country with your friends or driving across town to pick up your groceries -- having the right playlist is essential.

We’ve got the science to prove that out, too. Not only does music improve your mood and self-esteem, but it also can potentially reduce depression and anxiety. And that’s important because according to multiple studies, adolescents experiencing psychological distress, like anxiety or depression, report taking more risks on the road, including speeding. That’s why we’ve got six playlists below to help reduce distress, enjoy some vibes, and, yes, stay safe on the road.

If you’re driving, remember to avoid distracted driving by queuing up your music before the drive, playing at a low enough volume, and putting away the earbuds.

Then share a mental health and road safety checklist with a friend to help keep them safe on the road this summer through our Road to Self-Care program, powered by General Motors.

1) Feeling Wistful

When you’re feeling a little tender and emotional, these songs will feel like a warm and comfortable blanket. When you aren’t driving, it’s also a great playlist for staring longingly out the window.

2) Sing-a-Long Time

What happens when you’re on a road trip and a friend asks you to DJ? Plug in the aux cord and start with this playlist! We promise the songs won’t be the only thing that’s a hit.

3) Mood Boosters

Here’s a little pro-tip for this playlist: if you’re feeling a little frustrated, anxious, or sad, play a few of these songs before you start driving. They’ll help you find some peace and calm before (and while) you hit the road.

4) My Life as an Indie Movie

Not every car ride makes you feel like the main character of an indie movie, but every indie movie moment does happen during a car ride. Make your life feel a bit more cinematic with these songs.


How Taking Care of Your Mental Health Can Keep You Safe on the Road.

5) Hot Girl Summer

We all deserve a hot girl summer, and you shouldn’t settle for anything less. Roll up to that summer barbecue or party with these songs playing to let everyone know you’re feeling bold, confident, and ready for a good time.

6) All Star by Smash Mouth

“Okay, this isn’t really a mood,” you might be saying to yourself. Well consider this: “HEY NOW / YOU’RE AN ALL STAR / GET YOUR GAME ON / GO PLAAAAAAY.”


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