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Ask Freddie: "How Do I Manage My Time When I'm Feeling Overwhelmed?"

"I have four AP classes, extracurriculars, clubs, and a sport."

“Ask Freddie” is a monthly advice column where Freddie, DoSomething’s Director of Mobile Messaging, answers anonymous questions from DoSomething members. The topics are always different -- the answers are always REAL. Are you seeking advice? Ask Freddie an anonymous question.

Question: How do you manage your time when you’re taking four AP classes and other honors classes and have extracurriculars, clubs, and a sport?

Hey Overworked Rock Star,

Woah, buddy! You certainly have a lot on your plate, but I applaud you for crushing your classes and getting so involved at school. At the same time, I want to check in and make sure you’re not feeling overwhelmed by your workload. I don’t want you to burn out, which is a possibility, and can affect both your mental and physical well being.

I’ve had multiple experiences in my life were I’ve taken on a lot at once. I’m the kind of person that feels better when I’m constantly doing something, I think sometimes it’s a defense mechanism to avoid thinking about harder things. Other times the projects and activities I take on are ones that drive my passions and give me a lot of joy. Think about why you do what you’re doing. Evaluate the goals and reasons behind everything you’re taking on, if they’re helping you meet them, and if they make you happy. If you have something on your plate that doesn’t feel good, nix it.

Here’s a real example for you -- I’m currently in the process of moving, and it is extremely stressful. There’s so much to manage and get done in just two weeks! I need to pack up my things, sell stuff I don’t need, figure out how I’m going to move said stuff, and find a place to live. Add on top of that a full-time job, making sure I have time to spend with my friends, and everything else I probably haven’t even thought of yet. Phew -- it’s exhausting, but I’m motivated by my goal and the vision of what will happen when I’m finished. At the same time, I can’t afford to burn out, so I’m making sure to schedule in time for myself to relax. For me, that looks like taking a bath, knitting some Christmas gifts, meditating for 10 mins, or 30 mins of cuddling with my pets.

Are you carving out time for yourself? Truly for you? I encourage you to set up a self-care routine for yourself (and use these self-care tips when serious studying is a must). You might feel like you don’t have any time, but I assure you the extra 15 minutes you take out of your day to put a face mask on (or whatever it is that makes you smile) will do wonders for your well-being AND will allow you to keep crushing it.

Everyone is different, so your goals or the workload you can handle might be different from someone else. At the end of the day, you’ll know if all the classes you’re taking, the activities you’re participating in, and the sports you’re playing are helping you achieve your goals, letting you live out your passions, and making you happy.

Rooting for you,


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