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Drinking or Using Drugs While Driving

Your friend answered three easy questions about your habits as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, or cyclist. Now they want to give you three clutch tips for staying safe on the road! Read this lil’ personal guide on avoiding drinking or using drugs while driving.

1) Use a designated driver (DD).

It’s pretty simple -- have someone commit to DD before you even go out. You can sweeten the deal for them by offering to buy their late-night food and/or promising to DD for them next time.

2) Use a rideshare service.

Download an app like Lyft or Uber. Or you can save a cab company’s number into your phone. That way if you or the driver are impaired, you can have a service pick you up. Easy.

3) Call a friend or family member for a ride.

Feeling unsafe about getting in the vehicle as a driver or passenger? Who you gonna call?! Maybe not Ghostbusters, but there’s a strong chance a friend or family member would show up to get you out of a potentially dangerous situation. Again, you can offer to pay them for their services, like with doughnuts...or with a ride the next time they’re in a bind.

Those struggling with substance abuse should contact the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD): 1 (800) NCA-CALL (622-2255).

You could save a life on the road.

Start by answering 3 simple questions.


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