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Watch: Mind Blowing Facts with Joel Courtney

The Kissing Booth star is about to change the way you think about vaping in this new video.

Did you know that straws only have one hole? And that goats have accents? As mind-blowing as these facts may be, they’re nothing compared to what Joel Courtney, star of The Kissing Booth on Netflix, learns about the dangers of e-cigs and vapes as part of DoSomething.org and CVS Health Foundation’s Escape the Vape campaign. There’s a lot you may not know about what goes into these products, so we want to uncover the truth to keep young people informed, empowered, and healthy.

Watch below as Joel debunks some of the most common myths promoted by companies like JUUL. Want to test your knowledge? Take the quiz to see how much you really know about vaping -- you could even win a $5,000 scholarship!


Answer these 5 questions to see how much you really know about e-cigs.


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