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How To Control Your Stress

10 Tips to Share With Friends

  • Take deep breaths. Taking a deep breath has been shown to lower cortisol levels, which can help reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Listen to or create music. Listening to or creating music can trigger stress reducers in your brain.
  • Exercise. The post-exercise endorphin rush is proven to seriously take down stress levels.
  • Chew gum. Poppin' bubbles reduces cortisol levels, which helps reduce stress and anxiety!
  • Hug it out. Hugging friends and fam causes a release of peptide oxytocin, which can help reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Watch a funny video. Laughter can reduce the physical effects of stress. Bring on the cat vids!
  • Journal. Write it out! Keeping a journal has meditative and reflective effects, which can reduce stress.
  • Nap. Taking a quick snooze has been shown to reduce cortisol levels, which then reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Hang with a pet. Spending time with a furry friend can reduce tension and improve your mood. Meoww.
  • Volunteer. Helping someone else out can actually reduce your own stress.

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