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The Top 8 Things DoSomething Members Did in September!

WOW. What else can we say? Month in and month out, DoSomething members like you around the country amaze and inspire with the way you transform your communities. September -- no surprise -- was no different. Check out 11 of the most incredible things DoSomething members did last month.

1) National Voter Registration Day was BIGGER THAN EVER

Youth voter registration (and early youth turnout!) is SURGING around the country. It’s official: The Youth Wave is coming, and DoSomething members continue to be huge in helping young people unleash their power at the polls. On National Voter Registration Day, DoSomething ran Reddit’s top AMA of the week. We had support from people like Meghan Trainor, Katie Couric, and SMOSH. And...thanks to you...we drove more voter registrations IN ONE WEEK than IN ALL of 2016 COMBINED! (Check out a recap here. Oh! And if you haven’t already, take 2 minutes and register to vote.)



2) DoSomething Members’ On-the-Ground Drives Power the Wave Forward

DoSomething has driven over 65,000 voter registrations in 2018, and that’s thanks in HUGE part to members like you hitting the streets in their schools and communities.

“Your vote is your voice. In order for a democracy to be by the people for the people, you must use that voice and vote! - Megan, 17, Michigan”
“The youth holds the key to change, and in registering people to vote, I hope to elicit a feeling of power within themselves that they are able to have their voices heard. It brings me an immense amount of joy when I register people because I hope that they will exercise their most important right as a citizen to go out and vote.” - Rebecca, 17, California

3) DoSomething Members Create the Largest Peer-to-Peer Anti-Bullying Guide EVER

Through the You’ve Got the Power campaign, DoSomething members shared an unbelievable 39,114 tips to help younger students find the power the beat bullying. We compiled those tips into the largest peer-to-peer anti-bullying guide in history, which will help a generation of students overcome negativity in their schools.

“This campaign is important to me because bullying can make a person feel as though they are not worth anything, but even if just one person takes a stand, it could change a victims life forever.” - Jennifer, 22
“Bullying occurs every day, at any time, so it is important to stand up and help one another. Everyone at one point has experienced bullying whether it’s on social media, face to face, or even working at your job. We have the power to stop this, together we can make a difference, just by simply saying a nice comment can help these victims and brighten their day up.” - Jaki, 17, Kentucky

4) Members Stepped Up to Have “The Talk” (About HPV Vaccination)

Every year, about 14 million people are affected by HPV (human papillomavirus). Getting vaccinated can prevent HPV and six kinds of cancers. Problem is, talking to your parent or guardian about getting vaccinated against HPV can be suuuper awkward. That’s why 3,653 DoSomething members made cards to start the conversation about HPV vaccination and staying cancer-free. (Check out 11 of our favorite cards and an amazing video from Rachel, a 17-year-old DoSomething member!)

“This campaign is important to me because my great grandma died from cervical cancer. When the word 'cancer' is mentioned, no one thinks of cervical cancer first, or at all, but what everyone needs to know is this: everyone is susceptible to these kinds of cancers. Another thing that people need to know is the HPV vaccine can prevent these! There is nothing to lose from getting this vaccine but so much to gain! This vaccine saves lives!” - Ali, 17

5) Bootcamps Connect and Activate Members IRL

DoSomething hosted two (free!) Get Out The Vote Bootcamps -- one in LA, one in NYC -- where members learned how to maximize their impact on the 2018 midterms. Attendees made connections with other incredible young people, learned from DoSomething’s experts, and heard from leaders like Breanne Butler (Founder of the Women’s March), Lane Murdock (DoSomething member and founder of the National School Walkout), Hailey Colborn (Miss Teen USA), and Naomi Wadler (the 11-year-old activist who stole the show at the March For Our Lives)!

6) Members Get PUMPED About Tire Safety

Keeping your tires inflated can save you and your friends time and money. It can also keep you safer on the road. Too bad only 19% of drivers have enough air in their tires. That’s why DoSomething members posted over 5,000 tire flyers through the Pump It Up campaign! When people texted in the keyword on the flyers, they received tips about keeping their tires pumped and in good condition. (This campaign is over but you can still get pumped to our Pump It Up playlist.)

“This matters to me because in my sophomore year of high school I was in a car accident. On my way to school my dad's Jeep hit a patch of black ice. We spun out and crashed into a snow drift. Luckily we only had minor injuries, but it was a scary experience nonetheless. If we had checked the tires' tread or pressure we probably would've been able to keep the car under control. Now I check them once a week, and finding this scholarship was perfect because it's spreading the message about something I already feel strongly about.” - Charles, 19
”I’ve been a member of DoSomething for quite some time now but I’ve never actually ‘done something.’ I figured this is a great opportunity to start so I put this flyer under my roommate’s car this morning. Coincidentally, when she got in her car this evening, her two front tires were seeping below 30! She thought I was psychic or something???? Needless to say, boy, was she happy for that reminder!” - Chelsea, 19

7) Our E-Cig Quiz Is So Hot Right Now

True or False: A single JUUL pod contains as much nicotine as an entire pack of cigarettes. How much do you really know about e-cigs? What are e-cig companies hiding from you. Over 5,478 DoSomething members have already taken the Escape the Vape quiz to learn and educate friends on the real deal with e-cigs. Take the quiz to test your knowledge!

8) DoSomething Members Grab the Mic in 2018

About 75% of young people say the government isn’t listening to them. In 2018, that’s changed. In 2018, young people are so loud they can’t be ignored. Over 204,000 DoSomething members have signed up for Grab the Mic, our first year-long civic action campaign. Each month, we pick a new pressing issue and give members ways to raise their voices online, in their communities, and at all levels of government. You’ve tackled immigration, sexual assault, climate change, and so much more. Stay tuned -- photos coming soon.

DoSomething.org is the largest not-for-profit exclusively for young people and social change. Our digital platform is activating 6 million young people (and counting!) to create offline impact in every US area code and in 131 countries.


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