Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools you need to improve recycling in your community.

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Phone Call Script

Introduce yourself: Hello! My name is ______, and I'm interested in donating DIY masks to your center. Is there someone I can speak to about delivering my donations?

Explain the Campaign: I recently learned that during COVID-19 masks are one of the most requested items in shelters across the country, so I made X amount of masks as part of a DoSomething.org initiative. I would love to be able to donate these masks to your facility. Does your shelter have the capacity to accept them?

If they say yes (HOORAY!), don't forget to ask:

  • Could you confirm the address of the shelter?
  • When is the best time to drop off the packages? OR is it okay if I mail in the packages?
  • Is there someone I should specifically ask for when I drop off the supplies?

Prepare to answer these questions: Q: “Where can I find out more information about DoSomething.org?” A: "Online at DoSomething.org!"

Q: “Can I speak to someone at DoSomething.org to learn more about this campaign?” A: "Definitely! Please email volunteer@dosomething.org!"

Q: “How many boxes of product will you be donating?” A: "I'd like to drop off/mail in ___ packages, but I won't donate more than you're comfortable accepting! Is there a maximum number of packages you'd like to receive?"

If they say no, they're not willing to accept food products… Thank them for the time! Keep your chin up; find another community center and give it another shot!


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