How To Start A Conversation About Voting
Let's Talk About Voting!
ASK: Are you registered to vote at your current address? It only takes two minutes to register online!
“Yes, I am registered" Awesome! Make sure your registration is up to date here
“No, I am not registered” Being a voter is one of the most impactful ways to make a difference for any issue like racial justice and climate change. Take two minutes and join me in registering online here: SEND YOUR LINK!
“I’m not sure” No problem! You can see if you’re registered here If you aren’t, it only takes two minutes to register to be a voter here SEND YOUR LINK!
Other Possible Responses
“I don’t really care about politics” Politics can be confusing, but if you care about an issue like racial justice or climate change, you can make a difference by voting! Take two minutes and join me in registering online here: SEND YOUR LINK!
“I don’t like any of the candidates” Voting is still an important way to make a difference in the issues you care about, like climate change, racial justice, or immigration! Take two minutes and join me in registering online here: SEND YOUR LINK!
“I’m not 18 yet” In some states you can pre-register before you’re 18. Check out this site to see if you can:
“I go to college in another state, where should I register?” It’s up to you! You can either register with your home address or your school address, but not both. Make sure to request an absentee ballot if you register at home but will be in school in November. You can request it here:
“I registered last year, do I have to register again?” It is always best to make sure your registration has your current address. Take a sec and check your registration here:
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