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Voting During the COVID-19 Outbreak


If you live in Arizona, Florida, or Illinois, your primary election is taking place today. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic you may be wondering how to vote safely. Unfortunately, the deadlines to request absentee ballots in these states have passed, which means you must go out to the polls to cast your vote. If you are not at a high risk and you feel comfortable going to your polling place, here is our advice on how to do so as safely as possible:


  • Follow social distancing practices by standing 6 feet apart in line whenever you can.
  • Use hand sanitizer before and after voting.
  • Use disinfectant wipes on any surfaces you touch.
  • Consider bringing your own pen to fill in forms.
  • The longest lines at polling places generally occur in the morning before work, midday during lunch breaks, and after people get out of work. Going to the polls during off-peak hours may reduce the number of people you need to stand near, but it is hard to predict how COVID-19 restrictions and the increased number of people working from home will affect this.

Polling Places

Find your polling place. Note: Some locations have been closed/updated because of the COVID-19 outbreak. The linked resource provides ways to find your polling place amid the outbreak.

After voting: Send us a picture of you and your "I Voted" sticker by texting VSPOT to 38383.

Poll workers in these states will also be wearing gloves, using disinfectant wipes, and providing hand sanitizer to help maintain a hygienic environment.


We know this is a confusing and scary time for many of you. There is a lot of uncertainty, but we hope these guidelines can help. Don’t forget that your safety and health, including your mental health, are the most important things.

Text Q to 38383 if you have any questions. We're here for you.


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