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An update on your impact with DoSomething

Published: July 2022

Malala Yousafzai, activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, once said, “Let us make our future now, and let us make our dreams tomorrow's reality.” DoSomething members, like you, are doing just that! In the midst of uncertainty--sky-high inflation, Russia’s war on Ukraine, a pandemic, and a shifting landscape on laws that are meant to protect our rights--you have seized the moment!

We believe that civic participation isn’t tied to a single event or movement. In partnership with you, our members, DoSomething continues to create opportunities to equip you with the knowledge and tools to take action on the issues you care about. Daily, YOU thoughtfully care for, champion, and take action in the communities where you live, work, learn, and play.

In that spirit, we’re launching the first-ever #WeDidThat, a DoSomething quarterly report. Below, we highlight and celebrate the different ways you are making an impact on what matters to you--what you are doing about it and why!


In May 2022, more than 2,000 DoSomething members responded to our PulseCheck Survey, where we check in to see what’s on your mind to inform our programming priorities.

👉 Here's what you said…

++++ From Georgia:

“The main things that catch my interest … [is] prejudice towards people for being a certain race or sexuality and bringing notice to the damage humans are doing to the environment.” ++++

++++ From Virginia:

“I care about racial equality and love to work to make our earth and environment better (global climate activism).” ++++

++++ From New Mexico:

“I think the most important thing is the environment because it is what makes our world function and I care about climate change and such.” ++++

++++ From Washington:

“I really care about how global warming should decline as this is a serious issue and if we discuss this in a political environment it will get the attention of more people.” ++++

++++ From Florida:

“Taking care of our environment and protecting it. And equality.” ++++

You've been thinking about the environment and social justice. And across the nation, you are tackling these issues by participating in service learning projects, joining clubs at school, or volunteering through nonprofit organizations, like DoSomething!

You fuel our work! Your voice matters. We use it to shape youth- centered programming. So when a third of you shared that you didn’t know how to begin to make a difference on issues that matter to you, we listened.

👉 This is what DoSomething did about that...

++++ It's Not (All) In Your Head ⤵ With the inspiration of DS member Madz Yu-Phelps and their peers, DoSomething curated the It's (Not) All In Your Head program, activating young people to share Diverse Mental Health Resources with other students in their schools and helped them advocate for additional mental health resources. ++++

++++ Whole Histories ⤵ DoSomething launched the Whole Histories program, powered by the Allstate Foundation, to empower students like you in the movement to fight erasure and to advocate for a more inclusive and accurate curriculum relating to race, racism, and history. Nationwide, 67,007 students helped to curate the Whole Histories Student-Powered Guide on Improving Race and History Education. ++++

++++ New Mental Health Programming ⤵ This fall, be on the lookout for two awesome mental health programs. Because you care about your health and wellbeing, we're planning a panel discussion on mental health and sharing tools on how you can take care of yourself and your loved ones! ++++

👉 And here's what you're doing and why...

Since January 2022, more than 140,000 DoSomething members signed-up to participate in more than 280 campaigns and programs, addressing the environment, education, physical and mental health, and social justice, among other issues!

More than 5,000 DoSomething members have spent nearly 15,000 hours volunteering.

WOW, your efforts have resulted in some serious change. YOU:


++++ A third of you--32%--told us that...⤵ ...you don’t know how to solve for areas that concern you. Well, we know civic engagement looks different for everyone. From voting or attending a rally, to volunteering in your community or advocating for change. These are all ways YOU can make change! So far, more than half of you who took our quiz, to find out your Civic Leadership Personality, have turned out to be Organizers! ++++


++++ You have the power to enact change! ⤵ Every election--and every vote--matters. Registering to vote and casting ballots are effective ways to participate in our democracy. Our votes have the collective power to demand--and expect--that our voices are heard! ++++

👉 Since 2018, with your help, DoSomething has registered more than 350,000 people to vote!


++++ It’s not cool to be a distracted driver! ⤵ More than 40,000 of you signed up to participate in DoSomething’s #ZeroCrashFuture program. An overwhelming majority of you told us that the use of cell phones--checking messages, scrolling through social media, talking on the phone--was the number one reason for distracted driving! And more than a 1,000 of you came together to END the distraction by creating slip covers to put your phone to sleep.

You’re on a mission to keep our roads safe. Check out some of the reasons why young people just like you are working to build a #ZeroCrashFuture:

What an awesome opportunity for drivers and passengers!

And by the way, did you know that this campaign offered scholarships?

Since 2010, DoSomething has given out $1.8 Million in scholarships!

Yes, scholarships! DoSomething offers them to members because access to an affordable education matters to you and us. We look for strong and thoughtful statements on why you joined. Tell us about your personal connection to the actions you took!

So far Britney V. (18) and Edith P. (16) have won! They plan to use their scholarship awards towards tuition and other higher education expenses. Visit our scholarship winners page to find out who the next winners will be. (This scholarship opportunity closed on July 25, 2022.)


++++ The lack of representation of women and BIPOC individuals in STEM careers...⤵ ...is consequential. STEM is the bedrock of scientific and technological insights. Those from diverse backgrounds and experiences bring a new lens: they ask different questions and have different passions! These perspectives make for more effective doctor’s visits, better video games and even medicine!

That’s why we think it’s essential that underrepresented students see themselves as future STEM pioneers! Through STEM Works for Me, 45,537 of you educated yourself about STEM careers and found one that worked for you–all based on your interests and passions. Those of you who told us about your experience, started more than 42,000 conversations about STEM with your friends. How cool! ++++

When asked why you participated in this program, you shared some pretty profound responses:


++++ We know that young people care about racial equity and justice. ⤵ In 2020, 90% of young people took at least one action to advance racial justice. And in the past year, 57% of you shared that racial equality became a more important issue to you. And it’s why we’re committed to creating opportunities for you to foster inclusive and equitable communities, like Free-ish: Why We Commemorate Juneteenth. (This campaign closed on July 8, 2022.)

On June 19, 1866, more than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation, most of the enslaved people of Texas learned of the news and were officially declared to be free. Since becoming a national holiday in 2021, DoSomething has provided young people resources, like Confront Colorism Guide, where you can learn about what colorism is, its history, how you can recognize it, and what YOU can do to address it. This is one of the many ways you are building an equitable society! ++++

One of the 400+ members who signed up, told us...


++++ Pride Month, celebrated annually in June... ⤵ ...honors the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in New York City--the beginning of the modern gay rights movement. DoSomething members amplify this movement by creating a more inclusive community for all, but especially for those who identify as LGBTQIA+. In celebration of Pride Month, DoSomething shared resources with more information about organizations like GLAAD, The Trevor Project and PFLAG, for further learning and steps to build a welcoming community. (This campaign closed on June 30, 2022.) ++++

One of the 200+ members who signed up, told us...

🎉 #WeDidThat!

Your incredible work is energizing and inspiring. Making your dreams tomorrow's reality takes courage and perseverance. Thank you for taking action on the issues most pressing to you. Keep at it!

DoSomething's Pulse Check Survey

If you’d like to participate in the next Pulse Check Survey -- sign up here!

Scan and download the #WeDidThat quarterly report here


Make a difference in your community and add your vision to the future of our democracy