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Celebrating & highlighting your impact through DoSomething.

Published: October 13, 2022

DoSomething members, like you, are seizing the moment. Each day, you are, caring for, championing, and taking action in the communities where you live, work, learn, and play. DoSomething believes that participation isn’t tied to a single election, event, or movement. By listening to you, we're equipping you with the opportunities, skills, and tools needed to enact change.

We bring you the next edition of #WeDidThat, a DoSomething quarterly report celebrating and highlighting your civic impact!


You also had a chance to meet other members and make new friends which pushed you to experience new things! Our hearts soared when your peers shared these reflections about their experience that day...

#WeDidThat! We love exploring what being a DoSomething member means to you and learning how we can evolve our programming and platform to better support your journey into activism and volunteerism!


Because our work is centered on youth, from time to time, we roll out surveys to better understand what’s on your mind. Here’s how you helped us develop our Fall 2022 Programming.

++++ Last July, through our mental health member assessment survey, you told us mental well-being... ⤵ ...is as important to you as your physical health. You also shared that you want tools and tips to help you take better care of yourself! ++++

And because mental health matters to you, it obviously matters to us. This is what DoSomething did about that!

Panelists and attendees will discuss strategies on how you can take care of yourself when you feel overwhelmed, sad, or lonely and share tips to support you and your peers in asking for help.

We know that you’re committed to protecting not only your mental health, but also the mental health of those around you. You don’t want to miss this conversation.

Save your spot today! RSVP here.

++++ As the new school year kicks into high gear, we know that some students may still be feeling lonely. ⤵

In September, DoSomething launched: NEW SCHOOL YEAR, NEW FRIENDS: YOU BELONG HERE, to help you build positive relationships with peers at school. You can create and share a Welcome Guide for new students or a Welcome Note for younger students. So far, more than 5,000 of you have signed up to make a difference!


And because your education is important to you, it obviously matters to us. This is what DoSomething did about that!

++++ We know that you prioritize and value your education. Last August, we invited you to share how you engage in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) education. ⤵

You shared challenges that you face -- like lack of confidence or representation -- and the ways we can work together to overcome them. Just think -- the development and roll-out of things like vaccines are just some of the ways we've witnessed the power and potential of science. It's up to all of us to take action! ++++

++++ 👀 Be on the lookout! Your responses will help curate a community conversation and program we will launch in November. ⤵

We will highlight different opportunities for you to explore in STEM and help build a roadmap to join the field. Look for advice on finding a mentor, a plethora of STEM jobs available to you, and how you can advocate for more access to STEM education in your community. ++++

We know civic engagement looks different for everyone. From voting or attending a rally, to volunteering in your community or advocating for change, your voice matters.

Last spring’s mass shootings in Uvalde and Buffalo, among others, were heartbreaking and we continue to share your sadness and hear your frustration. In response, we provided you with the opportunity to stem the tide of this crisis. So did you know that over the summer you advocated for change? In a bipartisan effort, 231 DS members asked nearly 200 U.S. Representatives to support gun safety laws!

And one of YOU said...

And to prepare you and your peers for the upcoming elections this November, we have a variety of awesome opportunities where YOU can make a difference in your community!

++++ Did you know that with your help, DoSomething has registered more than 360,000 people to vote since 2018? ⤵ And so many of you showed up in voting booths! In 2018, 57% of those who registered with DoSomething voted, and in 2020, 67% voted!


Many states have different voter registration deadlines! Check yours today!

Be a Voter Captain

++++ The good news is that you don’t have to be 18 or registered to vote to be a Voter Captain. ⤵ We'll walk you through the entire process, so you have everything you need to make it happen.


The Future is Now: Your Voice, Your Vote

++++ We each have a role in claiming our democracy. ⤵ Our Civic Leadership personality quiz helps you understand what strengths and skills you can contribute to demanding–and expecting–that our democracy works for all. So far, more than half of you who took our quiz identified as Organizers! You’re down to rally for a cause you believe in and encourage others to get involved. You recognize and harness your power, and are sure to contribute to the conversation. You keep up to date with the most pressing issues, and come prepared for any debate. You know the power of your voice and your vote. ++++

Your Plan, Your Vote

Did you know that those who have a voting plan are more likely to vote? So don’t wait until November 8 to make one! A voting plan will help you understand who - and what - is on the ballot, or whether you should plan to vote in-person or by mail. Elections aren’t just about the candidates. They’re about you and your power to create a better future.

Power The Polls

Across the nation there’s a shortage of poll workers. These shortages threaten access to the ballot box by leading to possible closures of polling locations. Poll workers are critical in helping to maintain safe, in-person voting, especially for communities without reliable access to mail service, voters with disabilities, or voters who need language assistance.

Poll working is fun, nonpartisan, and you may even get paid! Do your part to ensure safe, free, and fair elections for all voters.

Since January 2022, there have been nearly 170,000 sign-ups from members who participated in our campaigns and programs, addressing the environment, education, mental health, democracy, equity and justice.

More than 6,500 volunteer reportbacks amounted to more than 17,000 total hours, via our Strength Through Service Program.

Your efforts have resulted in some serious change! YOU...

More than 40,000 members signed up to participate in #ZeroCrashFuture which closed in September. Here’s what members said about why they participated in this road safety program...

Scholarship Opportunities

And by the way, did you know that many of our programs offer scholarships, including New School Year, New Friends: You Belong Here? Since 2010, DoSomething has given out close to $2 Million in scholarships! Yes, scholarships! Here are current opportunities.

DoSomething offers scholarships because access to an affordable education matters to you–and us. When we review member submissions for scholarship eligibility, we look for thoughtful statements about your personal connection to the actions you took!

DoSomething Discovery Lab

Because our work centers on young people, from time to time our research team, the DoSomething Discovery Lab, releases surveys to better understand what’s on your mind. Engaging with you allows us to create better programs and skill development opportunities!

In September, we launched a two-part survey series to learn about the economic challenges young people face and its impact on their lives. This month we will examine how young people in New York City experience civic participation and democracy and in November we will release our bi-annual Pulse Check Survey. We can’t wait to share the results with you!

Please drop us a note here if you would like to participate.

🎉 #WeDidThat

Your incredible work is energizing and inspiring.
Taking action takes courage and perseverance. Keep at it!


Make a difference in your community and add your vision to the future of our democracy