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(Photos) 11 Young People Keeping Food Pantries Stocked This Summer

It’s the largest national youth-led food drive.

Every year, 12 million students in the United States rely on free or reduced-price lunch programs at their schools. Once the school year ends, many of these students are left not knowing where their next meal will come from. Every young person deserves the chance to perform at their highest level on and off the playing field, but a lack of nutrition negatively affects their energy, physical development, and overall well-being.

This spring and summer, DoSomething and the NFL have partnered up, as part of NFL Huddle for 100, to power the largest youth-led food drive to keep kids across the country active, energized, fueled up, and healthy. DoSomething members have already collected 126,669 non-perishable items to tackle hunger in their communities! Check out some of their stories and find out how you can join the Huddle Against Hunger!

Yessenia, 20

Allison, 20

“Growing up in San Francisco, I see the effects of poverty every day and that motivates me to help improve the lives of less fortunate by fulfilling the simple necessity of having a meal to eat.”

Arileyah, 17

Memphis, 14

“Every year, I do a food and funds drive. I think most of us take having food for granted and a good meal should be a right everyone shares, no matter their income.”

Naomi, 17

“My childhood was far from glamorous...I remember visiting the local food shelf countless times. I want to pay it forward and give back to the community what it gave to my family in our most trying times.”

Karrington, 18

Ogechi, 16

Devin, 16

Megan, 16

Tinasia, 18

“I remember when I was younger and Hurricane Katrina hit. So many people helped my family out by donating food, clothes, and so much more. It feels amazing to give back to my community.”

Cara, 18

Huddle Against Hunger

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