“Signs of a Mass Atrocity”: Crisis At the Border and How You Can Help
Migrant children and families face horrible conditions at the border, new evidence shows.

With many denied basic necessities, forced to drink from toilets, and separated from their loved ones, migrant families and children are facing horrific conditions in US detention centers at the United States-Mexico border. Learn what’s happening and scroll down for ways you can help.
Detention Centers Lack Necessities and Turn Away Donations
Migrant children held in ICE (Immigrations and Customs Enforcement) and CBP (Customs and Border Protection) facilities have been denied soap and toothbrushes, as well as medical care. Texans who showed up to detention centers with donations of diapers, toothpaste, and medicine were turned away.
Families Separated; Some Women Forced to Drink From Toilets
Yesterday, several members of Congress visited CBP facilities, where they spoke to migrant women who had been separated from their families, denied adequate food and hygiene, and told to drink from toilets in overcrowded facilities. In addition to overcrowding and lack of hygiene, there have been reports of insufficient medical care at these centers (a Honduran man died in ICE custody on June 30).
Humanitarian Aid Bill Passes
Last week, Congress passed a $4.6 billion humanitarian aid bill to fund supplies at the border. However, due to partisan conflict the bill does not include stronger protections for migrant children—that is, it looks like it’s a quick fix rather than a sustainable solution to the crisis.
Activists Describe “Signs of Mass Atrocity”; Many Arrested
“As Jews, we’ve been taught to never let anything like the Holocaust happen again,” wrote the Jewish activist group Never Again Action. “Now, with children detained in unacceptable conditions, ICE raids targeting our communities, and people dying at the border while seeking safety in the U.S., we are seeing the signs of a mass atrocity. We refuse to wait and see what happens next.” 36 Jewish activists were arrested protesting a detention center in New Jersey.
Attend a protest to protect migrant children and families.
Read These Explainers
The issue of immigration and the crisis at the border are challenging and complex issues. Learn more by reading these explainers from Vox and the BBC.
What You Can Do
One year ago, thousands of people—largely young people—stepped up to say that Families Belong Together, and that all people, no matter who or where they are, deserve basic safety and dignity. Now, we need to stand up again. No child should have to wonder where their parents are, or be denied the right to a bar of soap, a toothbrush, or medical attention. We are making it clear that we will fight for children and families and for human rights.
1) Attend a protest. Today (Tuesday, July 2), #CloseTheCamps Protests will be happening across the country to demand an end to this humanitarian crisis. Because your lawmakers are home for the Fourth of July, there will likely be a protest near you.
2) Call your lawmakers. Call +1 202-335-8470. You’ll first receive tips on what to say, and then you’ll be directly connected to your lawmakers’ office.
3) Donate (or encourage others to donate). United We Dream and the ACLU are two of many organizations working to provide legal, political, and humanitarian support to fight human rights abuses in the immigration system. You can also support Never Again Action in paying their legal fees through this GoFundMe.
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