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11 Facts About Down Syndrome

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  1. Down syndrome (DS) is a genetic condition where a person is born with an extra copy of chromosome 21. This additional genetic material changes the course of development and causes the characteristics we have associated with Down Syndrome.^[National Down Syndrome Society. "Down Syndrome Facts." National Down Syndrome Society. Accessed April 29, 2014.]
  2. The exact cause of the extra chromosome that triggers Down syndrome is unknown.^[National Down Syndrome Congress. "Facts About Down Syndrome." National Down Syndrome Congress. Accessed April 29, 2014.]
  3. One in every 691 babies in the U.S. is born with Down syndrome, making it the most common chromosomal condition.^[Global Down Syndrome Foundation. "FAQ and Facts about Down Syndrome." The Global Down Syndrome Foundation. Accessed April 29, 2014.]
  4. There are more than 400,000 people living with Down syndrome in the U.S.^[Global Down Syndrome Foundation. "FAQ and Facts about Down Syndrome." The Global Down Syndrome Foundation. Accessed April 29, 2014.]
  5. In 1983, the average life expectancy of a person with Down syndrome was a mere 25-years-old. Today, it’s 60.^[Global Down Syndrome Foundation. "FAQ and Facts about Down Syndrome." The Global Down Syndrome Foundation. Accessed April 29, 2014.]
  6. Children and adults with Down syndrome share some common features, but naturally the individuals will more closely resemble their immediate family members.^[National Down Syndrome Congress. "Facts About Down Syndrome." National Down Syndrome Congress. Accessed April 29, 2014.]
  7. Since the 1970s, public schools are required by law to provide a free and appropriate education to children with Down syndrome.^[Global Down Syndrome Foundation. "FAQ and Facts about Down Syndrome." The Global Down Syndrome Foundation. Accessed April 29, 2014.]
  8. It is estimated that 5,000 children are born with Down syndrome in the U.S. alone.^[National Down Syndrome Congress. "Facts About Down Syndrome." National Down Syndrome Congress. Accessed April 29, 2014.]
  9. The likelihood of giving birth to a child with Down syndrome increases with maternal age, however, 80% of babies with Down syndrome are born to women under 35 years of age because this age group gives birth most frequently.^[National Down Syndrome Congress. "Facts About Down Syndrome." National Down Syndrome Congress. Accessed April 29, 2014. http://www.ndsccenter.org/resources/general-information/facts-about-down-syndrome/.]
  10. Roughly 25% of families in the U.S. are affected by Down syndrome.^[National Down Syndrome Congress. "Facts About Down Syndrome." National Down Syndrome Congress. Accessed April 29, 2014. http://www.ndsccenter.org/resources/general-information/facts-about-down-syndrome/.]
  11. While behavior, mental ability, and physical development varies from person to person, many individuals with Down syndrome grow up to hold jobs, live independently, and enjoy normal recreational activities.^[National Down Syndrome Congress. "Facts About Down Syndrome." National Down Syndrome Congress. Accessed April 29, 2014.]

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